Sunday, January 17, 2010

The Financial Stylist - Term Life Insurance

Them are fighting words for me! Basically, the saying goes, if your death will cause a hardship for someone, you need to buy some life insurance to see that it doesn't. I like it because i do not work for anyone so that i am not biased because i just happen to have life insurance products for sale. So i will suggest that you buy "term" insurance and invest the rest. I watched a T.V. show on a lady with two kids whose husband passed away unexpectedly. They had the expensive "whole life" insurance plan. Well, she recieved about $10,000 in the end whereas with the amount that they were paying, they could have had a much bigger "term" policy. The T.V. host talked to the insurance salesperson who just said that it was good that she had some insurance rather than none! I was not impressed! What kind do you have? Check with your employer as well to see if they could increase your coverage as a group plan can offer the best rates available. I was able at one time to get 4 times my annual salary. I will post more on this topic over the course of next week.

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